• April 27, 2024

Supreme Court’s Decision on Texas Abortion is the Perfect Argument For Gun Rights


The liberals on the Supreme Court successfully killed a common sense abortion law that would protect the health of abortion patients by making sure that if anything went wrong, there would be a hospital where they could be immediately checked into and treated.  Texas argued that by knocking down the law, the court would be creating a lot of Kermit Gosnells the man who ran the abortion clinic from hell.  The court did strike down the law.  That decision could have major consequences, but the written decision could have even more and could put a severe crimp in the liberal’s attempt to deny gun rights.

Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the decision.  In it, he said:

Gosnell’s behavior was terribly wrong. But there is no reason to believe that an extra layer of regulation would have affected that behavior. Determined wrongdoers, already ignoring existing statutes and safety measures, are unlikely to be convinced to adopt safe practices by a new overlay of regulations.

If you shut your your eyes, you could find yourself believing he was talking about gun rights.  Mass shooters behavior is terribly wrong, but there is no reason to believe that an extra layer of regulation would have affected their behavior.  Determined wrongdoers, already ignoring the existing statutes and safety measures, are unlikely to be convinced to adopt safe practices by a new overlay of regulations.

I’m sure a lawyer defending gun rights at the Supreme Court level will be quick to remind him of his own words.  How can he justify walking back what he said?  After all, Roe V Wade was based on the right of privacy, which is not in the constitution and Breyer can’t point to where it is, but the Second Amendment is quite clear.

I wonder how much he weighed his words before h3e spoke them.

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