Clearly, someone has a little too much time on their hands, but you have to admit, it is kinda cool. Enjoy these intricate balloon sculptures, and then cruise the rest of our site to enjoy the latest headlines.
ThisIsCollasal contributed to this post.
Catch up on these top headlines you may have missed:
Michelle Obama Wants All Blacks To Be Democratic Sheeple
All blacks should just vote Democrat, no matter what. Jesus Christ could be on the ballot. Doesn’t matter, vote for a Democrat, regardless of who they are, what they say or what they do….. Watch the video on Brietbart: The first lady said, […]
She’s Down In The Polls, But Throws Stingers Like No One Else
With the ever growing field of GOP POTUS primary candidates, the campaign rhetoric is diverse and varies wildly in style across the board. The only female candidate, for the GOP, takes no prisoners when pointing out the flaws of the heir-apparent Democrat, […]
Rand Paul Sticks Foot In Mouth. What Did He Say This Time?
For all the Libertarians, out there, who think Rand Paul can do no wrong, and are over looking what is becoming a long list of conservative faux pas, here’s another you might just want to take a look at before you pledge […]
How Does Your Favorite POTUS Candidate Rate On Immigration?
As the field grows there are more and more issues to vet and immigration is one of the hottest topics across the country. Take a look at this chart and find out how your favorite candidate rates on immigration. It’s broken down […]
MUST WATCH VIDEO: Have You Heard Of AGENDA 21? I’ll Bet You Have & You Just Didn’t Know It…
Most folks don’t even know what is going on, right under their noses. There is a new world order plan, being carried out within the U.N. framework to take over the country/world. It’s called Agenda 21, and when you stop to see […]
Reality TV Star, Josh Duggar, Exposed As Child Molesting Past Surfaces, Family Covers Up Activity
It’s been a rough week for the Duggar family. The reality TV stars, of 19 Kids and Counting, rallied around their oldest son, Josh has he resigned his position at the Family Research Council, amidst the release of the information regarding […]