Bill de Blasio Orders NYPD To Not Comply With ICE or Federal Immigration Laws

In an effort to be the biggest douchebag in American politics NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered his police department to not comply with federal laws and to not help ICE agents.

Illegal immigrants are a strain on our society.  It costs taxpayers billions every year to have them here, and yet for some reason chuckleheads like the Mayor of New York City do not care.  It is politically viable for him to say screw you to all of his constituents so that people who broke the law to be here are taken care of at taxpayer expense in most cases.  Even to the point where he will possibly violate federal law.

It seems to be the Democrat way these days to break laws in an effort to help lawbreakers themselves at the expense of the citizens who make the country work.  There is an element of evil to that. Democrats, Barack Obama specifically, sued Arizona on the argument that only the feds can do immigration, but now they defy federal immigration laws claiming the states can only do immigration. It seems that the only common thread here is Democrats aiding and abetting criminal aliens inside the United States.


Mayor Bill de Blasio told Russian Television International that the NYPD will NOT be complying with ICE or federal immigration laws.

The relationship that New York has with “immigrant communities” is apparently more important than making sure that the letter of the law is upheld.

I’ll have to remember that next time New York wants to pass a silly law like “My relationship with my Big Gulp is too important to follow your law.”

From Breitbart:

“The NYPD will not participate as immigration enforcement agents because we have, for decades, built a close working relationship with immigrant communities,” de Blasio said. “Our police force is not going to be out there knocking on people’s door and it is not going to share information about people’s documentation status with the federal authorities.”

According to de Blasio, who faces reelection in November, more than half a million people in New York are “undocumented” and a “vast majority don’t commit any crimes whatsoever.”

City officials city and the NYPD officers will cooperate with the feds only in immigration cases which involve “serious and violent crimes,” he said. “In terms of the City of New York, we said the only area where we cooperate is we have a law that delineates 170 serious and violent crimes. If someone is convicted — not just accused, convicted of those crimes — then we will work with ICE in terms of their deportation.”

According to the mayor’s office, ICE has submitted 80 “detainer” requests to the NYPD in 2016. These “detainers” ask local police forces to hold illegals who were arrested for other crimes until they can be transferred to ICE for later repatriation. But only two inmates were transferred to ICE in 2016, and only because federal officials got a warrant or a subpoena from a judge. 

This is exactly the kind of legal relativism that is dangerous to the United States and everyone within her borders legally. Being able to pick and choose which laws you want to follow can very quickly backfire on liberals should they choose to continue down this path.

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