• September 8, 2024

DNC Yanks Debbie Wasserman Schultz From Speech Over Email Leak


Debbie Wasserman Schultz has had her speech at the Democratic National Convention after email leaks proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that in violation of their own rules, they worked to deny Bernie Sanders the nomination.  She has forfeited her right to speak at the convention, which already figures to be contentious between Hillaryophiles and Berniebots.

DWS will gavel the convention opened and closed but that will be the extent of her participation.  One top democrat who requested that his name not be usedd, said that she was being quarantined.   She had been accused of stacking the deck for Hillary, an accusation she firmly denied right up until the emails exposed her lies and deceit.

From The Washington Times: 

Ms. Wasserman Schultz was accused of giving presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton favorable treatment throughout the course of the primary.

Nearly 20,000 hacked emails released by WikiLeaks last week appear to confirm the favoritism, showing Ms. Wasserman Schultz and other top officials plotting ways to undermine the Sanders campaign.

In one email, Ms. Wasserman Schultz called Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver a “damn liar,” after he criticized how the Nevada Democratic Party handled its primary.

“Damn liar,” she wrote. “Particularly scummy that he barely acknowledges the violent and threatening behavior that occurred.”

After Mr. Weaver suggested the Sanders campaign would take its fight into the national convention, Ms. Wasserman Schultz wrote in an email, “He is an ASS.

Ironically, she may be keeping her job as the head of the DNC because Hillary knows she will pull out all stops and is willing to lie in an effort to get her elected.  The Clintons respect corruption.

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