[Video] Life inside ISIS for Women. Brave Woman Wears Hidden Camera.

From Opposing Views:

A brave woman has filmed some secret footage of life in Raqqa, Syria – the capital city of ISIS.

The anonymous woman filmed the footage with a camera placed discretely under her niqab.

The footage shows heavily armed men and women all around. At one point, a man calls the woman over to his car and tells her that too much of her face is showing.

“God loves women who are covered,” the man says.


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We see a lot of footage that ISIS wants us to see through their propaganda, but we don’t get to see things like this very often.

Living under ISIS there is no music or entertainment, there is no freedom. There is no doubt that ISIS is one of the great evils living among us today. Many liberals will tell you that ISIS just wants to be left alone and if we weren’t the aggressors they wouldn’t bother anybody. This video is certainly proof that ISIS wants to control every aspect of life and they will stop at nothing until they do.

Read more at http://youngcons.com/woman-wears-hidden-camera-to-expose-what-life-is-like-under-isis-what-she-captured-is-eye-opening/#udY3xlMhLaLt8Zyy.99