• May 1, 2024

OMG! You Need To Watch This Video! Why Was This Former DHS Whistleblower Shut Down?

Under George Bush, the government would be issuing terror threat levels across the nation. Now the Obama administration is shutting down it’s own investigators who have uncovered innumerable radicals. Watch this FOXNews video and tell me something doesn’t smell fishy!

Philip Haney is a whistleblower and former DHS employee who says he was pulled off of an investigation into terrorists in the interest of political correctness and to avoid offending Muslims, with what were very deadly consequences.

Haney’s work included the developing information and the monitoring and tracking of terrorists and their affiliated mosques and groups inside the United States. That included cases and information related to the two terrorists who killed fourteen innocent people in San Bernardino.

Haney details that, after noticing a trend of people with suspected ties to radicalization coming into the United States, he began looking into a collection of global networks which were attempting to infiltrate Islamic terrorists into America.

Success at fighting terrorism breeds contempt and prompted a negative reaction from the Obama regime which oddly, one year into their productive investigation, paid a visit to Mr. Haney. Representatives of the State Department and the Homeland Security Civil Rights Division informed him that the tracking of the terrorists was “problematic” because they were Islamic terrorist suspects and Islamic groups. For that reason, according to Mr. Haney, the investigation, as productive as it was, was shut down.

As a result, 67 of Haney’s records from his investigative efforts were deleted, including one that involved the Riverside mosque which was attended by the terrorist couple that attacked in San Bernardino. Haney believes that the attack last week could well have been prevented had the Obama regime not put a stop to his efforts.

Haney also notified Congress and the DHS Inspector General of his investigation being shut down and received a much different response than he expected. Rather than it being reinstated, as one might have anticipated, Haney was personally retaliated against, including having his security clearance revoked.

Fox News attempted to verify that information directly with the Islamic terrorist enablers at DHS, but they refused to comment.

Mr. Haney goes on to lay out a very credible story detailing his work, the terrorists he was tracking and the odd, obstructionist behavior of the agencies supposedly charged with securing the homeland and protecting the American people.

Click here to see the Video!

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