After getting a lot of backlash over her latest kill, a famous hunter decided to respond with her own strong statement.
Eva Shockey, popular in her own right as a hunter, shares the love of the hunt with her father Jim Shockey of TV programs “Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures” and “Uncharted.”
The Blaze reports that Eva’s Facebook profile states she tries to “balance hunting, femininity and family into what I consider to be the best lifestyle in the world” and includes a bible verse — Proverbs 31:25: “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.”
On a recent bear hunting trip in North Carolina, Eva took down a black bear, as did her father.

“An anti-hunter just told me, and I quote, to “kill that little worthless dog you have instead” of the bear I just hunted in NC. Apparently hunting a bear, eating/donating all of the meat and putting money towards conservation is a bad thing, but killing my puppy is ok. If this logic isn’t totally insane, I don’t know what is.”
Source: Opposing Views