Refugee Who Left US to Fight With ISIS was on Welfare

FROM MERLIN ARCHIVE DO NOT RESEND TO LIBRARY  11/16/07 Brighton, MA -- Howie Carr returns to the air at WRKO Friday November 16, 2007.  Erik Jacobs for the Boston Globe -- Library Tag 11172007 Business
FROM MERLIN ARCHIVE DO NOT RESEND TO LIBRARY 11/16/07 Brighton, MA — Howie Carr returns to the air at WRKO Friday November 16, 2007. Erik Jacobs for the Boston Globe — Library Tag 11172007 Business

Famed radio host Howie Carr made the case for Trump’s plan to heavily vet refugees coming into our country.  Carr uses Adnan Fazeli, an Iranian refugee as a prime example.  After being welcomed into the United States, Fazeli decided to run off and join ISIS.  Carr says that Fazeli is a perfect example of why we can’t allow Muslims from radical countries to come here unchecked.

Says Carr:

“This guy is a poster boy for Donald Trump’s call for ‘extreme vetting.’”

“By the testimony of his own brother, he hated this country, even though his daughter was saved by American medical treatment that he paid nothing for, and then, when he immigrated here permanently, with an advanced college degree, he instead chose to go on welfare and never sought a job.”

Fazeli came to the United States as a political refugee along with his wife and three daughters.  In 2009, they moved to Maine, where his brother is a practicing doctor.  In 2014, his brother notified authorities that his brother had been recruited by terrorists.  His brother Jabbar Fazeli tried to convince his brother to return from Syria but he was too far gone and he told his brother he planned to bring his daughters to Syria, to which Jabbar told him could only be done over his dead body.

On Wednesday, Governor Paul LePage announced that his administration would be doing a thorough review of all refugee programs in his state.  He is upset that a refugee was receiving welfare benefits while living here. (it is not known if his wife and three daughters are collecting benefits still)

The Boston Herald reports:

Maine officials said Fazeli was on food stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families for at least four years until 2013, when he left for Turkey. Fazeli became radicalized over the internet while 
living in the U.S., according to an affidavit from a state police detective.

The episode has left LePage “embarrassed” and prompted criticisms from Maine Republicans, including U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin, who slammed the Obama administration for pursuing a “dangerous Middle East immigration and refugee policy.”

A LePage spokeswoman said the administration has “many active investigations” that 
involve immigrants receiving state benefits, including ones of “potential criminal activity.”

“The governor has asked for a complete review and evaluation of any refugee-related programs administered by Maine,” said Sam Edwards, a spokeswoman for the state’s Department of Health and Human Services. The review, she said, will help “determine whether the state should continue participating.”

Howie Carr agrees with LePage’s approach:

“The liberals will say, well, the terrorist’s brother turned out to be a good citizen. They’ll say 50 percent of the Fazeli brothers didn’t go on welfare and join ISIS. True, but that’s not nearly a high enough percentage of success for a society already teetering on the edge of the abyss because of this endless, unlimited immigration from the Third World.” 

“We have got to close the borders!”

It’s not all bad news though.  Adnan Fazeli was killed fighting for ISIS.

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