REPORT: Accidental Gun Deaths At All-Time Low
NSSF has recently updated its report “Firearms-Related Injury Statistics.”
Complimentary to both NSSF members and non-members, this report utilizes data from sources such as National Safety Council and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to highlight declining trends in firearms-related injuries and fatalities.
Unintentional Firearms Fatalities Remain at Historically Low Levels Data released by the National Safety Council demonstrates that unintentional firearms-related fatalities continue to remain at historically low levels.
In fact, in the last two decades, the number of unintentional firearms-related fatalities has declined by 57 percent — from 1,409 unintentional fatalities in 1992 to 600 * in 2012.
Firearms are involved in fewer than a ½-percent of all unintentional fatalities in the United States. In a side by side comparison, firearms rank among the lowest causes of injury.
Read the entire report below.
Firearms Related Injury Statistics Report 2014
About NSSF The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to
promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 6,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to
Source: AmmoLand
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