[VIDEO] 17 Year Old Girl Wins Gunfight With Home Invader, Saves Mother and Siblings

In a defensive gun use, winning a gunfight means stopping the altercation at hand, and that’s exactly what a 17 year old Mississippi girl did on Monday morning.

A man entered the home just after 5:00am and forced a mother, identified as Candy Strange, and daughter out of their beds at gunpoint. He then tied them up and proceeded to rob the home.

After the suspect exited the home, the 17 year old girl managed to free herself from her restraints and secure a firearm, which was a good move as the suspect proceeded to enter the home a second time.

According to MS News Now,

Strange tells us that the gunman then chased them to a back bedroom.

She says that she and her teenage daughter fought back in fear, shooting at the suspect as he came back a third time.

Strange says, “My words to [my daughter] were ‘shoot him’.”

This time the girl was ready. The suspect and the girl exchanged gunfire, but no injuries were reported. The suspect managed to escape and it is unclear if he was hit by the barrage of gunfire…

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Source: AmmoLand
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution