Shocking photograph shows ISIS supporter getting a BABY to kick the severed head (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT)

Shocking photograph shows ISIS supporter getting a BABY to

kick the severed head (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT)

(UK Daily Mail) 

  • WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Toddler encouraged to kick severed head
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  • A photo of a crucified and beheaded Syrian rebel member has also emerged
  • He is believed to be a relative of Zahran Alloush, the leader of Jaysh al-Islam
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A sickening photo has emerged social media showing a toddler kicking the severed head of a dead soldier in Syria.

The toddler’s father is believed to be an avid Islamic State supporter and is wearing a camouflage military style baseball cap on his head.

The father can be seen smiling with delight in the photo as he watches his innocent child kick the severed head.

Keep reading via UK Daily Mail…