REPORT: Over 50% Of Clinton Foundation Donors ‘Ineligible’ Under Foreign Cash Ban

Quite a frightening list of foreign donors…

Over half of the Clinton Foundation’s donors would be ineligible to donate money to the foundation under new guidelines that would bar foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president, according to a new analysis by The Washington Post.

The Post’s analysis found that “53 percent of donors who gave $1 million or more to the charity are corporations or foreign citizens, groups or governments.”

Some of the major donors on The Post’s list include “the governments of Saudi Arabia and Australia, the British bank Barclays, and major U.S. companies such as Coca-Cola and ExxonMobil.”

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and author of Clinton Cash Peter Schweizer notes that Hillary Clinton has “yet to release the names of the 1,100 foreign Clinton Foundation donors that both Bloomberg and the Washington Post confirm remain secret.”

Yet, as Clinton Cash details, foreign donor and former head of Russia’s Uranium One Ian Telfer gave a total of $2.35 million to the foundation while Hillary Clinton was at the State Department.

There has been much skepticism over whether the Clinton Foundation will actually adhere to its new policy.

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