Rock Band Kiss Stops In Mid Performance To Do What Liberals Would Never

“I want to rock and roll all night,and party every day”! In my minds eye I can hear this being played late on election night when Donald Trump is declared the winner of the Presidential Election. Here is a group of performers who see the glass half full, not half empty as most Democrats do. That’s just their way, portraying the greatest country in the world as the meanest bunch of people who ever walked the planet.

According to Rightwingnews:

KISS is one of the most down to earth, and real bands that exist in their genre…or time period. The Pledge of Allegiance means more to them than some phony complaint about injustice happening. They have respect for that flag, and recently showed it when they stopped in the middle of their concert…

How cool is this, celebrities who get it. By stopping mid show to recite the Pledge of Allegiance , the band is letting people know with hard work and perseverance anyone can reach set goals. Pulling together not apart is the way to get things done. When I see stories like this, it makes me feel good, that there is hope, if we sit down and work together on a plan best for most. Not sitting or taking a knee in protest for a person who breaks the law and finds himself dead because he feels entitled to take what he wants. That sends a message that just does not work. What do you think of Kiss’s display?



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