Two Liberal Snowflakes Attack Trump Supporter..One Snowflake Arrested [VIDEO]

‘Tempe Republican Women,’ started a call for a boycott of the overtly politicized Academy Awards.  A group in Los Angeles joined the movement and held a rally close to where the awards ceremony for the hopelessly insane was to take place.  One woman was wearing a Make America Great Again hat and was toting a sign that merely said “jobs, Jobs, Jobs”

She should have realized that the sign would be trouble.  Before producing the sign, she should have sent out a trigger warning.  It’s not that snowflakes are against jobs……for other people, it’s just think that idea will never replace a government welfare check or cash from George Soros.

There were two snowflakes nearby who took exception to the sign and one of them grabbed the sign and ripped it up before both snowflakes jumped the Trump supporter.  Even at 2 to 1 the snowflakes were getting the worst of it before police broke it up and arrested one of the snowflakes.


From The Mail Online:

The boycott originated in a widely shared Facebook post from Arizona women’s group ‘Tempe Republican Women,’ which urged followers to vote with their remote controls and switch off the Oscars.

‘It is important that we, the deplorables, show the likes of Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Alec Baldwin, Cher … that we, the backbone and decent people of America, are more united than the bitter, unhappy, angry, divisive people of the entertainment industry,’ the post said.

The angry Facebook post went on to call Hollywood liberals ‘arrogant, pompous, pampered soulless individuals’ who are ‘evil-hearted.’

It fumed over pop stars like Madonna dancing in ‘little-to-no clothing,’ ‘movies that depict women as whores, sluts, and gold-diggers dependent on their bodies for survival,’ and Ashley Judd talking about her periods ‘a vile manner.’

‘The wearing of pink does not negate the black hearts that these people have for our country and our Constitution.

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