U.S. Postal Worker “Laughed Hysterically” While Repeatedly Hitting Pedestrian With Her Mail Truck

According to the Seattle Times,  on Friday, an unnamed U.S. Postal worker in Bellevue, WA was arrested for allegedly hitting a pedestrian with her mail truck while “laughing hysterically.”

Bellevue Police Department say it all started when a local resident reportedly saw a mail woman cursing at someone in front of an elementary school and decided to photograph the incident in order to make a complaint to the USPS.

postal-worker-laughing-hysterically-664x370When the resident attempted to take a picture of the mail truck, the postal worker put her truck in drive and hit the resident ON PURPOSE, injuring the resident’s leg. If that’s not crazy enough for you, the postal worker allegedly proceeded to hit the resident’s leg two more times and was “laughing hysterically” as she did.

We believe that’s the very definition of going postal.

The 55-year-old woman was promptly arrested. No word on the charges she is face.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Source: [ID] CrimeFeed

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