• May 18, 2024

Undercover Video Proves That CNN Is Covering Up More Disturbing Crimes

Over the last several weeks, the news has been reporting horrible violent crimes being committed against the Asian community. On social media, the hashtag #stopasianhate has been trending and even celebrities are joining together in cringe-worthy ads to bring awareness to the uptick of violence.

These crimes being committed against those in the Asian community are absolutely heinous and do deserve to be reported on, but CNN is quiet on it.

The biggest purveyor of creating more racial division in America is silent on the very real crimes being committed against the minorities in our nation, and you have to wonder why.

Now, that reason has been exposed in brand new camera footage from Project Veritas. In this new footage, you witness CNN technical director Charlie Chester admitted that the network wanted to downplay the string of crimes against Asians because it would hurt the BLM movement.

“I was trying to do some research on the Asian hate, like the people [who] are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men have been attacking Asians. I’m like ‘What are you doing? Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM,’” he said.

“The optics of that are not good,” Chester continued.

“These [are] little things that are enough to set back movements, because the far left will start to latch on and create stories like ‘criminalizing an entire people,’ you know, just easier headlines that way, I guess.”

At another point in the video, Chester admitted that CNN refuses to report on racial issues unless it directly implicates white people.

“I haven’t seen anything about focusing on the color of people’s skin that aren’t white. They [CNN] just aren’t saying anything. You know what I mean?”

Here is more:

BREAKING: PART 3: @CNN Director Says Network Is ‘Trying to Help’ The Black Lives Matter Movement By Protecting The Group’s Narrative On Race

“I Haven’t Seen Anything About Focusing On The Color Of People’s Skin That Aren’t White”

“Like, we are trying to help BLM.”#ExposeCNNpic.twitter.com/0tsqCgxTk6

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 15, 2021

Twitter exploded with reaction:


Apparently, CNN only wants to focus on Anti-Asian crime when it comes at the hands of White people.



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