• September 7, 2024

US Army Handbook From 2011 Confirms Airborne Ebola Cases

“Our own research shows that Ebola Zaire enters human lung cells from the airway side.”

While Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization officials continue to insist Ebola cannot be transmitted by air from one person to another, an Army manual clearly warns the virus could be an airborne threat in certain circumstances.

These instances have prompted concern of a rare phenomenon of aerosol transmission of infection.

Burial Team Prepares A Dead Ebola Victim For Cremation In Monrovia
Burial Team Prepares A Dead Ebola Victim For Cremation In Monrovia

The handbook published by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, USAMRID, titled “USAMRID’s Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook,” is now in its seventh edition.

The most recent edition was published in 2011, with more than 100,000 copies distributed to military and civilian health-care providers around the world.

On page 177 of the handbook, in a chapter discussing “Viral Hemorrhagic Fever” (VHF), a category of viruses that includes Ebola, USAMRID says:

“In several instances, secondary infections among contacts and medical personnel without direct body fluid exposure have been documented. These instances have prompted concern of a rare phenomenon of aerosol transmission of infection.”

Page 177 continues to specify:

“Therefore, when VHF is suspected, additional infection control measures are indicated.”

USAMRID recommends the patient should be hospitalized in a private room with an adjoining anteroom to be used for donning and removing protective barriers, storage of supplies and decontamination of laboratory specimen containers.

Source: AmmoLand
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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