I spent the better part of the weekend at the Eagle Council, and generally had a blast reconnecting with friends and patriots, in the St. Louis area, with whom I have had the pleasure of rabble rousing for the last several years. The line up was star studded with GOP presidential hopefuls, and folks, I have to tell you that if you have the chance to see a candidate in person, it makes a difference. Just getting a read on their passion and sincerity, or lack thereof, really doesn’t come across as well on TV as it does in person. Here’s a snippet of a few of the candidates. BTW, audible gasps echoed in the hall when Rick Perry announced the suspension of his campaign. Enjoy the vid. Look for more, here on DH.
While I feel it is high time to weed out the field, and Perry was never really my guy, I think it was a hard thing to for him to do. Really did feel the pain coming from him and his campaign as he stepped aside. He took a few veiled swings at Trump, which makes me wonder if there is any animosity toward him. I kind feel Perry may have been able to hold on a little longer if the “Trump Phenomena” hadn’t been an issue. Like Carson, but he’s just not the guy and after hearing other candidates I’m having a very difficult time understanding his surge in the polls. I would definitely find a cabinet position for him, but not behind the “Resolute Desk.” And Huckabee hit all the social issues very hard, last weekend. Smart man who knows how to play to the emotional weakness of conservatives, but (and this jus may be me) I find him in sincere.