Yesterday as women protested demanding equal pay for equal work, standing shoulder to shoulder with Liberal Democrats across the Nation, one Democrat in particular was standing red faced among the crowd. Elizabeth Warren was busy ducking questions from the media and members of the Democrat rank and file about why members of her own staff continued to suffer Pay Discrimination because of their sex.
Yesterday, Mike Opelka pointed out the disparity lurking in Senator Warren’s own office. A place where despite the lip-service paid to equal pay for equal work, women are abused everyday. Opelka pointed out the gender pay gap among Senator Elizabeth Warren’s staff, where according to the Washington Free Beacon, women make a median annual income of $52,750. And while that isn’t peanuts, their male counterparts in Sen. Warrens office earn $73,750. A whopping $21,000 difference.
But if you look closer, it gets even worse. If you look at the average annual salary of both men and women that staff the Senators office, you find that Male staff members make an average of $26,051 more than their female counterparts. The real crime here is not the disparity in the pay, but rather that just like Hillary Clinton and almost every other Liberal Democrat in Washington, Senator Warren is on record as being a strong supporter of Equal Pay Day, even while the gender pay gap in her office is nearly 10 percent wider than the national average.
For women in the Massachusetts Democrat’s office It will be May 4th before her female staff members can celebrate their Equal Pay Day. Equal Pay Day, was created two decades ago by the National Committee on Pay Equity and is scheduled by using the Census Bureau annual unadjusted gender pay gap to determine how far into the next year women have to work to match annual earnings of men.
Census figures showed that women not working for Senator Warren earned 79.6 percent of what men earned. That placed Equal Pay Day on Tuesday April 4. But for Warren’s employees it’s May 4th. Women working for Warren were paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to men during the 2016 fiscal year, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis. Of course that should not surprise anyone with a brain, we all know that when it comes to Liberals, life is always a “Do as I say, not as I do” proposition.