Are you a gun control activist? How do you know when you have crossed that line from patriotic citizen to freedom hating wacko bent on taking away everyone’s rights?
Well, I have complied a list of “You Thinks” that if you find yourself agreeing with, you can be pretty darn sure your a Gun banner.
You might be a gun control activist if…
- You think that the FBI has fudged crime statistics data for the past 20 years because Wayne LaPierre takes them out for CiCi’s pizza every Tuesday.
- You think Shannon Watts makes a lot of sense if people would just listen to her.
- You think that Shannon could deliver her message more effectively if she talked slow and loud, like you do when visiting foreign countries.
- You’ve had a pot luck supper at Michael Bloomberg’s house.
- You’ve smoked pot with Michael Bloomberg.
- You’ve ever said “If it could save just one life…”
- You’ve never used the phrase “If it could save just one life” when it comes to drunk driving, swimming pool drownings, or car accidents.
- You’ve ever uttered the words “If it could save just one life” while drinking a glass of wine by your swimming pool.
- You believe that Wayne LaPierre funnels all the NRA membership dues to a secret account in the Cayman Islands.
- You’re convinced that law abiding citizens, who take a class, submit fingerprints, get probed by the FBI and wait months for a permit, are the root cause of drive by shootings.
- You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons, terrorism and the unchecked spread of Shake Weight use.
- You think armed security is fine for people who are important enough.
- You have armed security. Because you’re just like me. Only a little better.
- You believe that rib-eye steaks are grown hydroponically in a back room of the Safeway store.
- You believe that little Mikey Bloomberg knows more about gun safety than people who actually own them.
- You believe the founding fathers got into a major shooting war to protect our deer hunting rights.
- That millions of Americans who knew how to shoot didn’t make all that much difference when it came to winning World Wars I and II…. Everyone knows the French turned the tide in our favor.
- You think that the federal government giving guns to Mexican drug lords is not newsworthy, but teaching kids about gun safety is dangerous.
- You believe that no one around you in your day-to-day travels is carrying a gun. Because you don’t.
- You believe magazine bans will work because, when a gun is fired, the magazines get all used up.
- You believe that NRA, with 5 million dues-paying members, doesn’t represent the majority opinion, while a rich guy from New York with a Napoleon complex and a couple dozen paid groupies, does.
- You believe that Riker’s Island inmates are more scared of “No guns allowed” signs than clowns, Freddie Kreuger or Rosie O’Donnell.
- You would rather die unarmed, and leave your family on their own, than use a gun to defend yourself. Because morally superior.
- You choose not to remember that the biggest, baddest assault weapons in existence were owned by private citizens when the 2nd Amendment was written.
- You’ve ever used the term “assault weapon.”
- You think that the word “militia” means the National Guard.
- You’ve never been mugged.
- You’ve ever cited the New York Times, or Mother Jones as a source. For anything except take-out restaurant reviews.
- You believe you are 937 times more likely to die by spontaneous combustion or killer bunions if you have a gun in your home.
- You often make pronouncements about what other people “need” and “don’t need.”
- You really believe our kids are safe by putting a no guns sign on the school door.
- You’ve ever used the term “gun violence” or “gun crime”
- You pretend not to hear when someone tells you that violent crime is at its lowest level in the past 100 years.
- You think that the people with the least amount of relevant knowledge have all the great ideas.
Did I miss any other signs? If so please leave yours in the comments below.
Read more: AmmoLand
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Tom McHale is the author of the Insanely Practical Guides book series that guides new and experienced shooters alike in a fun, approachable, and practical way. His books are available in print and eBook format on Amazon. You can also find him on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.