• May 5, 2024

Hollywood Libs Attack Disney For Prince Charming Kissing Snow White While Sleeping

Liberals are the thieves of joy and anything fun so it is no surprise that they would go after Disney movies.

From Conservative Tribune:

Now, progressives have set their sights on “Snow White.”

Hollywood actress Kristen Bell expressed her concern with the Disney movie according to an article by Parents Magazine.

Bell said she reads the story to her daughters, then asks a question that must make sense to feminists in 2018.

“Don’t you think that it’s weird that the prince kisses Snow White without her permission?” Bell asks, according to the magazine.

“Because you can not kiss someone if they’re sleeping!”

This entire leftist PC culture is just unbearable, isn’t it?

However, Bell is not the only #MeToo actress to get involved in this absolute absurdity. Liberal Keira Knightly also got in on the action as well with this sick line of thinking.

Here is more from BBC News:

Edie Knightley Righton is not allowed to watch Cinderella or Little Mermaid.

Knightley told Ellen DeGeneres that 1950’s Cinderella “waits around for a rich guy to rescue her. Don’t! Rescue yourself. Obviously!”

She said of Little Mermaid: “I mean, the songs are great, but do not give your voice up for a man. Hello!”

The actress added: “And this is the one that I’m quite annoyed about because I really like the film. I love The Little Mermaid! That one’s a little tricky – but I’m keeping to it.”

How do these people get out of bed every morning?

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