10yo Minnesota Girl Brutally Raped! Local Media Outlets Refuse To Tell You By Whom!

There is no excuse for the Main-Stream-Media to carry water for a government that turns a blind eye to the rape of a young child in order to advance a political agenda.

JEWS NEWS: A Muslim immigrant was arrested Wednesday night and charged with viciously raping and attacking  a 10-year-old girl in Minnesota. Something strange occurred during the initial reporting of the case, since local news outlets refused to release information showing that the suspect was in fact a “refugee” from Somalia. According to WND:

KSTP 5, an ABC affiliate in Minneapolis, referred to the suspect, Ahmed Hersi Abdi as “A Minneapolis man.”  CBS affiliate WCCO 4 used the same description, giving no mention of the man’s background or how he arrived in the U.S.

The attack occurred Sunday evening in an apartment complex in the city’s Cedar Riverside neighborhood, also known as “Little Mogadishu” for its high concentration of Somali refugees imported from United Nations refugee camps in Africa.

Abdi allegedly followed the girl out of an elevator. He asked for her name and offered his hand to her. She shook his hand and Abdi refused to let go. Police said he proceeded to rape the girl in the hallway of the apartment building.

Authorities used video surveillance footage to help track down the suspect, who was arrested about 24 hours later on Monday in St. Paul.

The U.S. government recently brought over another 8,858 Somali refugees within the recent fiscal year, which ended on Sept. 30.

So what does this lone rape show? Why is it so important? Obama plans on bringing over 1,000 Syrian refugees over to the US within the next year. Look what has already happened to Europe. Open borders and welfare are literally destroying these European nations because they are bringing in people who will not assimilate to society and hold absolutely no respect for their hosts.

Sweden, for example, who has taken the brunt of the refugees, is now the rape capital of the world! It is because Islam itself is incompatible with a free and civil society, and when you bring these people into a more secularized, Western world without expectation that they assimilate, what you do is essentially damn your entire people.

ISIS is evil, but not every Muslim refugee fleeing Syria is a bright eyed peace lover. The Issue itself is Islam, not radical Islam, not moderate Islam, but Islam in its straight teaching.

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