• July 26, 2024

Beginning With Erick Erickson, It’s Time To Take A Closer Look At So-Called Conservative Media And Challenge Their Agendas

With all the discord that came from last week’s debates, most have been focused on the ensuing battle between Trump and Kelly, but maybe this is really about what most conservatives are most angry. Maybe this is about the media trying to drive the message and choose our candidates. It’s not working and here’s the latest so-called media member that is trying to stack the deck.

The twitter spat between Kelly and Trump and his comments had the FOX News talking heads circling their wagons around her. But that’s not where it stopped. Erick Erickson has decided to throw the weight of Red State behind the Trump slam by disinviting him to his big ‘conservative’ shindig over the last weekend. He did, however, invite Megyn Kelly to take his spot as keynote speaker. Also not in attendance was grassroots favorite, Ben Carson. Not invited. Why?

According to recent reports, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s team is not passively accepting what it considers unfair treatment by those behind a recent political forum. The RedState Gathering – an annual event spearheaded by the conservative blog’s editor, Erick Erickson – previously attracted a mixed reaction when Erickson disinvited Donald Trump for the candidate’s remarks toward Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

Carson added to the controversy this week when a source close to his campaign alleged Erickson misrepresented the facts surrounding his decision not to invite the retired neurosurgeon.

Apparently Erickson takes issue with how Carson campaigns and relates to the POTUS.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner, Erickson described two nonprofit events organized by military groups who invited Carson to speak.

“And both times he spent the entire time talking about himself and his battle with the president,” Erickson concluded.

Read more at Western Journalism.

It would also seem this election cycle is not the first time Erickson has taken issue with grassroots conservative candidates. Bristol Palin reminisces how he went after her mother, Sarah, in 2008.

By now you’ve undoubtedly heard that there’s a guy named Erick Erickson, of RedState, who disinvited Donald Trump from a gathering  of conservatives because, as he put it, “there are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross. Decency is one of those lines.”

Want to learn some “lessons in sexual and political decency” from Erickson?  Here are three:

1.  Erickson’s RedState once used a demeaning fake photo (wearing a revealing shirt with Santa Claus) of my Mom for an attack article on her.  Erickson refused to take it down even after he was made aware that it was photoshopped.

2.  He once called Supreme Court justice David Souter “the only goat fucking child molester to ever serve on the Supreme Court.”

3.  And there’s this:

Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 5.54.43 PM

Here are some more examples from Palin’s blog post:

Mark Levin said the debates were an “embarrassment as far as I’m concerned… while the New York Times and CNN praised the event, I considered it an exploitation of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people. Not gotcha questions, not gossip… I think the American people are owed an apology.

Oh and before we get off the topic of Fox News and the fact that they are “oh-so-shocked” at the supposed sexism of Donald Trump…  here’s a little perspective.

Back in 2010, Chris Wallace joked about having my Mom sit on his lap during an interview.  In 2011, Roger Ailes said, “I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.”

This pretty much sums up the the contribution of the mainstream media, of which FOX and Erickson are a part:

Fox and Erickson need to get off their high horse on how outraged they are NOW about sexism and decency.

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