BLOCKBUSTER: In Anonymous Polling, Trump Wins 64-36



Ric Militi, co-founder of San Diego-based Crazy Raccoons, a company that produces Apps for cell phones recently did an anonymous poll where the participants could not be shamed and the results were astounding.  Crazy Raccoons has 100,000 members who could freely take part in the polling without divulging their name.  Militi could give no explanation as to why the poll was so much different than the national polls except to say because of all the vote shaming coming from communist politicians and their useful stooges in the press is that people aren’t willing to answer truthfully.

From USA Today:

“Based on the stats we see, he looks strong,” says Ric Militi, co-founder of San Diego-based Crazy Raccoons, maker of the Zip question and answer app. His app poses questions and polls responses based on an average of 100,000 daily users. “I go with Trump, based on what we see.”

According to the RealClearPolitics average of opinion polls, which are performed by calling people on landlines and cell phones, and answering questions on websites, Clinton leads with 47.8%, to Trump’s 41.0%.

How can Zip’s results be so different?

“We’re not a poll. We’re a conversation, and 100% anonymous,” Militi says. “People feel comfortable answering questions without fear of being bullied or being called a racist. People can express themselves safely, and you get a pure answer.”

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