• July 26, 2024

Donald Trump May Have Won the Debate With THIS One Sentence

Though no winner has been declared as of this writing, there was certainly no more enthusiastic or controversial participant in Thursday night’s GOP debate than Donald Trump.

The billionaire businessman was called out on a number of issues, including his history of flip-flopping on key issues and his past financial dealings, none of which he apologized for.

But it was one comment which hit home with particular clarity (no, I’m not talking about when he called Rosie O’Donnell a “fat pig”):

“When you have people that are cutting Christians’ heads off … we don’t have time for tone, we have to go out and get the job done.”

Trump was referring to the politically incorrect “tone” he has been hounded for since throwing his hat in the ring as a 2016 presidential candidate.

Share this report if you think it’s about time a leader stepped forward who was less worried about being politically correct and more worried about getting the job done.

Found at Buzzpo

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