• July 26, 2024

Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”! We Caught Them All! We Have It All!

Since the obviously stolen election back in November, the American people have been rising up against those on the left who seek to destroy our nation. It is the most amazing thing to see the people across our great nation waking up and they are pushing back against the deep state agenda.

I have always said that once the American people realize that they do have a voice and can make a difference, more and more will rise up because they hear the calling.

The deep state is pushing everything they have to stop the audit, they have planes flying overhead, they have carnivals setting up next to the audit they have people sneaking in, however, nothing will stop the truth from being revealed.

Trump has said in the past and has even issued a recent statement saying that election fraud will be the biggest lie ever told to the world. Well, now for the first time in years, the Patriots are now on the offensive, pushing the deep state to expose it all, and when they do it’s game over.

Watch this explosive video here:

The American people deserve to know the truth of what happened on election night and how it was done. We here those on the left continually say that we need “free and clear” elections. Well, I could not agree more but what they are talking about are fraud and theft.

I know that once this audit is over light will be shown on the left’s nefarious deeds and hopefully, they will be held accountable for it all.

For way too long the deep state and the liberal agenda have run this nation and now it is time for the people to take our nation back once and for all.

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