Government Theft Now Called ‘Waste’ Criminals Still At Large, No Charges Filed

The lamestream media told you:

[This is just too rich.]

WASHINGTON – A government website intended to make federal spending more transparent was missing at least $619 billion from 302 federal programs, a government audit has found.

And the data that does exist is wildly inaccurate, according to the Government Accountability Office, which looked at 2012 spending data. Only 2% to 7% of spending data on is “fully consistent with agencies’ records,” according to the report. [I am not making this up. Alan.]

Among the data missing from the 6-year-old federal website:

  • The Department of Health and Human Services failed to report nearly $544 billion, mostly in direct assistance programs like Medicare. The department admitted that it should have reported aggregate numbers of spending on those programs.
  • The Department of the Interior did not report spending for 163 of its 265 assistance programs because, the department said, its accounting systems were not compatible with the data formats required by The result: $5.3 billion in spending missing from the website.
  • The White House itself failed to report any of the programs it’s directly responsible for. At the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which is part of the White House, officials said they thought HHS was responsible for reporting their spending.
Government Theft Now Called ‘Waste’ Criminals Still At Large, No Charges Filed
Government Theft Now Called ‘Waste’ Criminals Still At Large, No Charges Filed

For more than 22% of federal awards, the spending website literally doesn’t know where the money went. The “place of performance” of federal contracts was most likely to be wrong.

That’s a problem, said Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

The administration is transferring responsibility for the website from the General Services Administration to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service in the Department of the Treasury.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Commonplace stories like these point to a desperate need for comitatus laws, according to leading experts. While the report says greater oversight is needed, out here in the public we all know punishment is needed.

Comitatus laws are written so that instead of saying something is required or forbidden, it says who ever does or doesn’t meet the requirement, goes to jail, just like the public would for violating law. It is modeled after the posse comitatus law, which for 150 years has prevented anyone from using the military to enforce civilian law, because it imprisons anyone who tries it.

People hired by taxpayers to carefully spend money, and then to account for it have no idea where the money is, failed to account for it, and are certain much of the whereabouts of it are unknown, implying it has been stolen, embezzled, fraudulently spent or otherwise criminally misappropriated, in what is sometimes euphemistically called waste.

Waste is often another word for theft — services never performed but paid for, overcharges, phony charges and money that simply disappears with no accounting. Bureaucrats know what this means.

No arrests have been made. No charges are pending. Statutes, written by the people handling the money, require accounting, but provide no penalties, leading to tremendous laughter behind closed doors, according to sources close to the missing money.

Wage slaves continued to work and pay taxes, dutifully sending their money to the government, because it is removed from their pay before they get to see it. Failure to remove the money and send it is punishable by fines and prison time. No talk of tax revolt or other action has been heard. Yet.

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