• May 1, 2024

Gun Shop Owner Sues 7 Democratic Politicians and 57 Others for Harassment


A gun shop owner in Arlington County Virginia has filed a lawsuit against 64 people including 7 democrat politicians for harassment and for death threats directed at his 16 year old daughter.  He also claims that they have harassed his landlord, including a letter from democratic politicians pleading with him not to rent to Dennis Pratte for his legal business,  NOVA Armory, a gun store.  Pratte also claims that some of the defendants conspired to force his business to close.  He is suing for 2.1 million dollars.

Nova Armory opened it’s doors in March and local politicians have tried to force it’s close even before it opened.  For some strange reason, liberals believe they have a right to close legal businesses and to add corruption to that action, they used official letterhead.  The final paragraph reads as follows:

“In conclusion, while the Commonwealth of Virginia has no legal recourse to prevent a firearms retailer from locating in the Lyon Park neighborhood, we want to make sure you are aware of the potentially unintended consequences a firearms retailer will have in this particular location.”

That’s a veiled threat enhanced by being on official Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly letterhead, amounts to political corruption and restriction of free trade.

Before the store opened and local politicians began their campaign, Pratte’s 16 year old daughter, Lauren wrote the following:

“The actions of these local crazies against our business is approaching the level of ‘tortious interference.  If you’ve posted on Facebook, agitated people on the local community’s online forum, made harassing phone calls, or sent angry emails designed to interfere with our business relationship with our landlord, you are on my attorneys’ list. So if you don’t see NOVA Armory open for business, you better worry about seeing us in court.”

Now, they have the worst of both worlds.  The gun store did open and they will see the Prattes in court.  It’s great to see ordinary Americans holding politicians feet to the fire.


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