• July 26, 2024

High School Cheerleader Is Benched This Season For “Insensitive” Tweet

A high school cheerleading captain and Donald Trump fan is reportedly being forced to sit out the rest of the season because of a tweet she sent out about illegal immigrants.

Caley Godino, a senior at Revere High School in Revere, Massachusetts, said she made the comment after watching a Republican presidential debate as part of her civics class homework, a local Fox News affiliate reported.

“When only 10 percent of Revere votes for mayor cause the other 90 percent isn’t legal,” she tweeted.

Ms. Godino insisted it was a political statement, not a racial one. She said it was a response to a tweet from her teacher about the low voter turnout for November’s mayoral race, Fox reported.

But after other students complained, the school stepped in. Revere Superintendent Dianne Kelly said that while the district supports free speech, it cannot support insensitive language.

“If you’re going to stand up and say something that other people will find offensive, then you need to be prepare to deal with the ramifications of that,” Ms. Kelly told Fox.

She added that the tweet alone is not why Ms. Godino was punished, but she couldn’t get into specifics because of student privacy.

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