Jared Fogle: Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse…

As Jared Fogle begins to serve more than 15 years in prison for pedophilia, new and more egregious info comes to light.

TMZ: wanted to knock out his child molestation victims with roofies … according to documents filed by the former CEO of his foundation.

Fogle’s twisted sidekick, Russell Taylor, dropped the perverted bombshell in docs filed in connection with Taylor’s Thursday sentencing. He said Fogle tried to buy the date rape drugs in 2012, but doesn’t say if he was successful.

Taylor also said the very first day they met, Fogle told him a knock knock joke that referenced having sex with children. They hit it off after that, becoming like “an old married couple” and “drinking like fishes.” The Indianapolis Star first reported the new docs.

Taylor got a 27 year sentence, while Fogle got 15.6 years.