LIBERAL LUNACY: Female College Admitting Men Who Identify As Women
A historically black women’s college has announced that it will put together a task force to consider admitting transgender women to the college.
In a welcome back letter, Spelman’s president Mary Schmidt Campbell said that a newly created task force would recommend whether to admit transgender students to the campus or not, reports the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
A transgender task force, headed by the vice president for Enrollment Management, will advise Campbell on letting transgender students into the school.
“Ingrid Hayes, vice president for Enrollment Management will convene a task force that makes a recommendation to the president on the admission and enrollment of transgender students. We anticipate a report from both groups by the end of the academic year,” Campbell wrote in her letter.
Spelman is not the first women’s college to consider letting in transgender students. Barnard College in New York now admits transgender women, along with other members of the Seven Sisters association. The Seven Sisters association is a group of distinguished colleges located in the northeast.
“In furtherance of our mission, tradition and values as a women’s college, and in recognition of our changing world and evolving understanding of gender identity, Barnard will consider for admission those applicants who consistently live and identify as women, regardless of the gender assigned to them at birth,” Barnard said in a statement.
A report from Spelman’s task force is expected to be available by the end of the academic year.