• July 26, 2024

[PHOTOS] Donald Trump Photoshopped into Horror Movies is Internet Gold

This is hysterical!

I can’t honestly think of anything scarier than the idea of Donald Trump becoming the President of the United States, which is shockingly a future that is starting to seem like a real possibility. From his ridiculous hair to his concerning viewpoints, Trump truly is a horror villain for the real world.

One can only assume Donald Trump’s status as a real-life bad guy was the inspiration for a recent Photoshop challenge over on Design Crowd, wherein artists from around the globe were tasked with placing Trump into iconic horror movies. The results, as you’ll soon see, are as hilarious as you’d hope.

Over 100 submissions were received, and we present to you today the best of the best. From becoming the shark on the infamous Jaws poster to pulling double duty as the creepy twins from The Shining, this batch of Photoshop wizardry is nothing short of internet gold, reminding how much fun the world wide web can be.


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