DRAMATIC footage of a real-life van heist captured the moment armored car doors were flung high into the air in a massive explosion. Like a Hollywood action movie the thieves...
When you have nothing better to do watching batteries explode in extreme slow motion is a boredom rescue. H/T Another splendid visual by The Slow Mo Guys who already got...
Once again, the entertainment industry is showing they are out of touch with reality! Earlier in the week, U2 blamed Donald Trump for the delay of the release of their latest...
Ok, so you never gave it that much thought. Why would you? Sometimes it just takes the creative genius of someone with a good sense of humor to put together...
Yeah, did you ever wonder how a guy that rich doesn’t do something, anything about that hair? Is it really intentional? Well, we have the answer for you, right here....
Yeah, I don’t know what possesses people to paint and tattoo their bodies so, … ‘uniquely.’ But you’ve got to admire a good sense of humor and these tattoos certainly...
Seriously? Smell Dating? I’ve got to tell you, if someone if someone tried this with me, I would be less inclined to … run! What do you think? If you...
In days of ever increasing regulation and constrictive freedom, more and more you may be breaking the law without even knowing it. Here are 9 ways in which you may...
Is your IQ above average? Here’s a fun quiz. Don’t forget to share your results. ViralSlot: This quiz is certainly one for Easter, it could settle quite a few arguments,...
The internet never ceases to entertain! And finding 20 of the craziest backpacks ever is a new twist on the hilarious and enthralling. Would you wear NO#1?
Fleetwood Mac’s queen of rock-and-roll just released a tell all biography and in it she describes her cocaine addiction and the desperate lengths she went to to use the drug,...