Every week it seems more and more as if San Francisco doesn’t really want to be part of the United States anymore. Perhaps that Calexit thing needs a second look…...
An illegal alien has been charged with five felony counts after he crashed into the back of a California woman’s car, ultimately killing her. Estuardo Alvarado, 45-years-old of Mexico, was...
Three New York teens were murdered by the MS-13 street gang. Of those named in a court document as suspects, ten are illegal immigrants. This could have all been avoided...
Hungarian Prime Minister has come up with a plan for the immigration disaster that is Europe. Europe’s liberal elitists such as Angela Merkel is so far removed from the will...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMjXbFq8uD0 A man was out on an ATV, patrolling his border property one day, when he spotted a group of Muslim illegals hopping his fence. Running towards him, the aggressive...
15 year old Danish girl, Nicole Zanlith, was waiting for a taxi outside of a club in Spain. A group of North African Muslim immigrants brutally attacked her. The group...
Conservatives all over the country responded to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook creator, for his comments at the F8 conference about those who would build walls, physical and otherwise. And while his...
You’ve seen a lot of videos, but I guarantee you’ve never seen one like this! What is in this car’s bumper will make you think twice about the recent issues...
Most liberals and many establishment republicans are constantly criticizing Trump’s wall for the border. They lame stream media laugh when he says he will make Mexico pay for the wall....
In a program that would make Barack Obama and Marco Rubio proud, the city of Princeton in New Jersey has put together a lesson for illegals that includes pamphlets...
By Pamela Constable, Washington Post All summer, Central American children caught at the U.S.-Mexico border have been trickling into the Washington area, sent to live with relatives in Latino communities....
Apparently California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat also known as “Governor Moonbeam,” doesn’t think borders are necessary. While introducing Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Brown “spoke about the interwoven histories...