Mark levin is not a shrinking violet and when he sees something he doesn’t like, he makes his opinion known. Like most conservatives, he knows that Paul Ryan became Speaker...
It’s about time the mainstream news gets called on the carpet. These are people who act like they have objectivity and they clearly don’t. They’re clearly in the tank for...
The bigger story here looks like the FISA court originally shot down the first attempt to get warrants to wiretap Trump Towers and they- went ahead and did it anyway....
Radio talk show host Mark Levin says that everyone should quit investigating Jeff Sessions because there is no substance to the charges. Instead, he says they should be investigating Obama’s...
On Wednesday night, a liberal called the Mark Levin Show and accused Levin of “lazy thinking” and “rewriting” the Constitution in his book, The Liberty Amendments. It soon became apparent...
Radio host, Mark Levin has changed course. The NeverTrumper has decided to vote for Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton in November. Levin has long maintained that there was no way...
They would support Trump but there’s no money in it. As was said back in the Watergate days, “Follow the Money.” Investigators looking for connections between establishment money men looking...
Probably not a surprise to many, but it does reinforce the level of commitment that ISLAM has to penetrating ever single aspect of America and destroying it. Please make sure...