TEN BILLION DOLLAR TRUMP: He May Just Be Able To Buy His Way To Credibility

Most, while enjoying the flames fanned by a Trump GOP POTUS candidacy, and the candor that goes along with the Trump flamboyancy, do not believe he will last through the entire primary process. In reality, it all boils down to money, and someone with his net worth might just be able to buy their way into the top GOP spot. After all, even with big money donors, most, if not all, other candidates can’t boast his net worth.

On Wednesday afternoon, the outspoken billionaire and reality TV star announced that he had filed a personal financial disclosure with the Federal Election Commission, the last step needed to secure his presence on stage in the first Republican presidential debate in Cleveland on 6 August.

In a statement, Trump’s campaign announced in all capital letters that the real estate mogul’s “net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS” – more than previously reported. It went on to note that, not including “dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties”, Trump’s income in 2014 was $362m. This suggests his wealth exceeds the total worth of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who was attacked for his wealth throughout the campaign.

In Trump’s typical brash fashion, the former host of the Celebrity Apprentice also complained that FEC reports were “not designed for a man of Mr Trump’s massive wealth”, bragged about his acumen picking stocks and included the candidate’s confident proclamation: “I look forward to the challenge of winning the presidency and doing a fantastic job for our country.”

The real estate mogul is currently leading in recent national polls of Republican primary voters and is appealing to many in the GOP base who are fed up with “establishment politicians” and are attracted to Trump’s fiery rhetoric on illegal immigration. However, Trump’s rise has come at a major cost, both to his portfolio and the GOP.

Check the Guardian for more.

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