• July 26, 2024

49ers QB Refuses to Stand for National Anthem, NY Giants Take A Stand In Response


Members of the New York football Giants stood shoulder to shoulder while the National Anthem was being played before last night’s preseason game. They took a quiet stand against the stupidity of the 49’ers QB.

From Independent Journal Review:

Right now, other NFL players are keeping quiet about the controversy. But the way the New York Giants acted during the National Anthem during the pre-season game on Saturday could be their silent way of responding.

Here is how the 49’ers organization replied…

Kaepernick is in no way obligated to stand during the anthem, but it is so disturbing that he was so blessed in his life, and this is how he chooses to pay respect to the parents that raised him, and this amazing country that gave him all he has. We can’t force him to stand, but the 49’ers fans should boycott games, and send a clear message to the owners that this should not be tolerated. Show some respect. I don’t agree with everything in America right now, but I will stand proudly, and salute the flag, and pay respect to all who came before me to give me this amazing life I have.

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