• April 28, 2024

U.S. Soldier Receives Death Threats at His Home From ISIS Sympathizer

This is the first report instance of a direct threat at a serviceman’s home

A friend of mine, who happens to be prior Air Force Security Forces, who then took the plunge into the Army, received two death threats at his residence outside of Miami in Palm Beach County, from a suspected Islamic State sympathizer. He wishes to remain anonymous so I’ll just refer to him as a ‘soldier’

On October 9, 2014, the soldier’s wife went outside to check the mail, upon arriving at the box she noticed a handwritten note that stated “Die 11/11/14″. When she walked back up the driveway she noticed another message written on her house with a permanent marker that had a circle with a line through it, with the date written “11/11/14.”

This day is very significant for many Americans. Veterans Day falls on this exact date this year.

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Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the incident likely took place in the early morning on October 9, 2014. The soldier stated he was outside just prior to midnight on October 8th, and didn’t see anything suspicious.

The police were notified about the incident and stated they believe the threat to be “credible”. They are providing routine checks of the residence, however, the soldier and his family feel that they are not safe at home anymore.

Recently an Islamic State militant posted on social media encouraging ‘lone wolfs’ to seek out veterans on Facebook and ‘slaughter’ them in their homes. These cowards don’t know how to fight, they run and hide and make threats to people when they can’t be seen. Just like the insurgency we saw in Iraq, we now have one in our own backyard, and the Obama administration is allowing it fester with political correctness and appeasement.

Just last week President Barack Obama had a personal letter hand-delivered to the Oklahoma beheader’s mosque praising them. This is the epitome of appeasement, yet the victim’s families didn’t receive any letter from the President. Just whose side is he on?

Keep reading @ The Blaze

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