Black Man Notices A Staring Couple, Then Finds A Note On His Windshield

After breakfast at a Cracker Barrel with his toddler, Kevon Smith, Sr. noticed something on his windshield.

It read, in part: “We need more black dads like you.”

It happened at the Cracker Barrel in Willoughby. Smith was with his son, Kevon Jr.

“I noticed this older couple over in the corner,” Smith said. “They kept smiling at me and I was looking at my son like– what is going on?”

Along with the note on his car was cash to pay for breakfast.

The note went on to say:

“Today your meal is on my wife and me. Enjoy that baby boy as long as God intends.”

“Keep doing what you’re doing. The Masons”.

Smith was touched by the strangers’ generosity, especially because he says he didn’t have a father figure growing up, making the time he spends with his son even more precious.

“There’s a lot of guys I know that aren’t taking care of their kids,” said Smith. “To show that not all of us are out here being gangbangers, some of us are out here being fathers.”

Smith says he’ll share the story with his son when he grows up and teach him how kindness really does goes a long way.

“I’m definitely going to make sure I’m paying it forward,” he said. “I get blessed. I want to bless someone else.”

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