• July 26, 2024

County Judge Reprimanded By Supreme Court For Berating Abuse Victim

Judge Jerri Collins had taken herself too seriously in the matter of  a domestic abuse victim in her courtroom. The victim was scared to appear at the hearing of her abuser, who eventually pleaded to a lesser charge and served time behind bars. The judge used sarcasm and inappropriate language against the woman, who pleaded with Judge Collins to not send her to county jail for not appearing at the hearing. The victim apologized for failing to appear, citing anxiety, depression. The Florida Supreme Court found Judge Collins to be completely out of bounds in her actions in the court.

According to Washington Post:

A Florida judge’s response was to ignore the victim’s tearful pleas, hold her in contempt of court and send her to jail. Earlier this week, Seminole County Judge Jerri Collins found herself on the opposite side of the bench as she received her own harsh scolding from Florida’s chief justice.Collins stood through nearly six minutes of public reprimand after the Florida Supreme Court found that she violated the state’s code of judicial conduct.

This is disgraceful behavior by a judge, who seemingly put her personal feelings above those of the abused .Where else can a citizen turn for justice and understanding if it is not in a court of law built to protect the innocent?  Seems power goes to the head of just about anyone, and lucky for us there is still people monitoring these situations. I can only hope this judge is replaced and soon.  We can only assume this was not the first time, just the first time caught, and she needs to be removed now.

What do you think?

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