• July 26, 2024

Daily Mail U.S. Political Editor David Martosko Threatened By Clinton Mafia




The Clinton camp made Daily Mail Political Editor David Martosko an offer they thought he couldn’t refuse.  Instead, he spit in their Wheaties and laughed in their face.  Martosko noticed that Hillary looked tired and disconnected in her press conference.  That led to an avalanche of fallout from the Clinton Mafia.  This is an old liberal plot meant to not only intimidate Martosko but to discourage anyone else from trying the same thing.  Voters should pay more attention to these tactics.  What chance do they have to participate in this country’s future when if they disagree

Is it just me or does Hillary Clinton sound absolutely exhausted and quiet? Seems like an illustration of Trump’s whole “tired” critique

“Is it just me or does Hillary Clinton sound absolutely exhausted and quiet? Seems like an illustration of Trump’s whole “tired” critique”

She sounds bored / half-awake / disinterested … not the kind of performance that inspires fear in our enemies. Where’s the caffeine?

“She sounds bored / half-awake / disinterested … not the kind of performance that inspires fear in our enemies. Where’s the caffeine?”

I half expect her to slump over and collapse any second now. if she were doing a parody of “low energy” Jeb!, it couldn’t be more spot-on.

She changed her hairstyle, so you can’t see the earpiece, which I’m sure is in there



@dmartosko I think that’s how politicians do “serious.” Trump has done appearances recently that sounded on TV like he was whispering.

@ewstephe She’s not pulling it off. There’s low-volume, and then there’s low-intensity.

This isn’t a serious tweet, right? You are trying to mock people who talk about her tone, right? https://twitter.com/dmartosko/status/774355790991851520 

@GingerGibson Were you watching the same event I was watching? I found it alarmingly low-intensity. Like, borderline frightening.


I half expect her to slump over and collapse any second now. if she were doing a parody of “low energy” Jeb!, it couldn’t be more spot-on.

.@dmartosko delete your account.

@NickMerrill Dude, she looked zonked. I don’t know why, but it was striking.



“Somehow I’m not worried.”

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