• July 26, 2024

Hillary Didn’t Want Endorsement From Police Union


The National Fraternal Order of Police sent the Clinton campaign a questionnaire and then wanted to meet with Clinton to discuss the possibility of them endorsing her for president.  Her campaign stalled and stalled and on the final day, she notified them that she was not interested in their endorsement.  In her statement, she did say she had the greatest respect for police officers.  (I guess it’s just laws that she has problems with)  My guess is she was afraid of alienating Black Lives Matter.

Chuck Canterbury, president of the National Fraternal Order of Police said:

“It sends a powerful message. To be honest with you, I was disappointed and shocked.  You would think with law enforcement issues so much in the news that even if she had disagreements with our positions, that she would’ve been willing to say that.”

“We were talking to the highest levels of the campaign, and we had all indications that she was going to return the questionnaire.”

Clinton’s statement:

“As she said from the beginning of her campaign, across the country, police officers are out there every day inspiring trust and confidence, honorably doing their duty, putting themselves on the line to save lives.  She believes that we must work together to build on what’s working and to build the bonds of trust between police and the communities they serve — because we are stronger together.”

Jim Pasco, the Fraternal Order of Police’s national executive director. had some harsh words for Clinton:

“Candidly, we were very disappointed.  And the idea that a presidential candidate would not want to at least talk to an organization that represents almost half of the police officers in the United States and is a thought leader in the public sphere … is very disappointing.”  

“We are an organization that tries to be bipartisan and works with members of either party wherever we have common ground.”

The police have moved on and Donald Trump met with them on Friday.

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