Joy Behar is at it again! This time she takes on Joel Pollak Senior Editor-at-large for Breitbart News. He has no problem putting her right in her place and dismantling...
Dr Phil appeared on the View and Joy Behar tried to make the case that President Trump is narcissist. Evidently, Dr Phil was tipped off and brought a list of...
Omarosa Manigault made her first appearance on The View and it was evident the old hags who host the show were going to use her to attack President Trump. Sonny...
The hags on the View are flabbergasted by one thing that Donald Trump has done that caught them completely off guard. They know Obama never did such a thing...
It’s no secret that “progressives” – affectionately dubbed “Leftistas” – are in disarray after cratering in the last election. These poor dears are shocked – shocked! that they didn’t win...
The same Joy Behar who had no problem with Hillary Clinton selling 20% of our uranium deposits in exchange for 45 million to the RICO inspired along with a long...
Joy Behar, who many such as myself believe to be on hard drugs is calling for Trump to step down from the presidency before he even ascends to it. I...
Paula Jones tore into nationally syndicated moron Joy Behar over her remarks calling all of Bill’s victims as tramps. Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual assault and won nearly...
All the ladies on The View had good things to say about Donald Trump in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. No, I haven’t been drinking and I...
Photo: Facebook via Eric Lemonides From America’s Freedom Fighters Joy Behar heckled Speaker of the House John Boehner to “stop obstructing President Obama” when she bumped into the Republican...