• July 26, 2024

Bus Driver Fired For Calling Out School District over .40

This story is so wrong on so many levels, it’s hard to know where to begin. I guess we can start with a federal bureaucracy that touts itself on a grand scale for its compassion and humanity of a nameless system. But when it gets down to the level of the schools and has names and faces to be put to the story it gets a little more sordid.  To think a child can go to school, and because he is short .40 he is not able to get lunch? There is no room in this equation for the child to not eat! Are we back in the sweat shops of the industrial revolution? Now, to add insult to injury; because the bus driver wrote on social media about this, he has been fired, for violating the district’s social media policy.

According to Liftable :


Although Cook’s post quickly went viral overnight with many supportive likes and comments, the superintendent was not so pleased and asked the bus driver to step into his office. Cook was given the choice to either recant his Facebook post with an apology or be terminated for violating the district’s social media policy.

How sad this is when you try to do the right thing and get penalized for it.  Are we are all slaves to the banks and our jobs, don’t kid yourself if you think any other way. What do you think.

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