• July 26, 2024

Attorney Marilyn Mosby Loses Case Against Baltimore Police, Then Gets Devastating News

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who sought prosecution against six policemen in connection with the arrest of Freddie Gray, is facing a new challenge these days.

Two of the officers she tried to take down after Gray’s death have now sued her for defamation and invasion of privacy. Sgt. Alicia White and officer William Porter filed a suit against Mosby and Maj. Sam Cogen of the Baltimore sheriff’s department, according to The Daily Caller.

The suit alleged that Mosby and Cogen were well aware the allegations brought against the police were false, but filed them anyway to put an end to the riots that wreaked havoc the city.

Michael Glass, an attorney working the case for the officers, told The Daily Caller that he planned to modify the suit to include the likely counts of “malicious prosecution, false arrest, false imprisonment (and) violation of the Maryland declaration of rights, article 24 and 26.”

Glass said the policemen arrested were “essentially sacrificed” and that White was accused of murder though she never even touched Gray.

The policemen face charges of manslaughter, assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office. Officer Porter has been tried once, but the case ended in a mistrial. He’ll face another trial later this year.

“The main basis for damages first of course is the lack of income for the better part of year now,” Glass said.

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