• July 26, 2024

German’s Stunned As Migrants Receiving Benefits Vacation In Country They Fled

And the migrants/refugees made  that harowing journey across 1000 miles or so to escape the civil war and persecusion, not to mention finding a new life in the west. Now they have found their destination of choice, sign up for governmental assistance, start receiving benefits, settle in to a life of ease, and what do they do? You guessed it, take vacation time in the country they originally left.

According to DailyMail.co.uk:

An unnamed spokesperson from the German Federal Employment Office (BA) told the newspaper: ‘There are such cases.’No official numbers are available, however.Officials are now investigating how often refugees are vacationing in their homeland, having previously said they are fleeing persecution.Rules in Germany State that asylum seekers who claim social benefits are entitled to leave the country for 21 days a year – but they are not obliged to report where they are traveling.

I understand people looking to flee a war torn area, I agree people want a better life for themselves and their families. My complaint is after years of doing nothing to make their own homes livable, they migrate to the West, demand assistance, hate where they are,offer nothing and then vacation in the country they fled with the assistance they receive. Nice work if you can get it. It is truly a shame and disgrace to tax paying citizens. What do you think?


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