• July 26, 2024

NBPC Condemns Clinton’s Immigration Policies

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) responded to Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton’s immigration policies as being dangerous and nothing more than an extension of the disastrous Obama efforts that will go down as this Administration’s biggest and deadliest lie.

In reality, President Obama’s policies created the illegal immigrant crisis that dogged his presidency. For seven years, the President’s marketers sold him as the “Deporter in Chief.” There was no truth behind that marketing campaign.

NBPC Condemns Clinton's Immigration Policies - Illegal Aliens
NBPC Condemns Clinton’s Immigration Policies – Illegal Aliens

The truth is that those living in the U.S. illegally were less likely to be deported than under any previous administration. Interior deportations under Obama were down 40 percent and at a nine-year low. In addition, eight out of ten illegal immigrants caught at the border were allowed to stay. In many cases, they were given taxpayer-funded bus tickets to relocate to cities in the interior of the nation.

Finally, the administration intentionally misled the public on how many criminal aliens ICE released into the country. It has been reported that the agency released more than 80,000 illegal aliens with criminal records. This number was significantly larger than what Director Saldana told Congress during her testimony. The Boston Globe reported that 30 percent of those released in New England re-offended and were charged with rape, child molestation, aggravated assault, armed robbery and attempted murder. This is Obama’s true legacy on border security.

However, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s only criticism was that Obama did not go far enough. Clinton and Obama both agree that they must appease the radical extremists in their party’s furthest fringe. Unfortunately, the citizens who were victimized by criminal aliens paid the cost of that appeasement, as well as cities that were flooded with meth and heroin, and the crimes associated with the illegal drug trade.

“President Obama and Secretary Clinton fail to recognize we live in a world where religious and political fanatics are actively plotting to harm U.S. citizens at home and abroad. Instead of investing in measures to secure our nation’s borders, they have openly and actively pursued what Secretary of State John Kerry called a “borderless world.” Americans need to ask themselves: Do we want to risk the safety and security of our family, businesses and communities on the dangerous and extreme policies supported by the ACLU, American Friends Service Committee, and other ideological extremists?, “said NBPC.

“To our deep dismay and concern, the Clinton Immigration Plan embraces and expands the Obama policies that created the “Era of No Consequences.” These policies fueled the illegal immigration crisis and drug epidemic that victimized entire cities and destroyed families. Those that were hardest hit by these policies included minorities, single mothers, existing lawful resident aliens, and others who had to compete for services and charities that were overwhelmed by the massive influx of illegal aliens.”

NBPC continued and said, “Secretary Clinton’s call for amnesty in her first 100 days and expanding these dangerous policies demonstrates her deeply alarming willingness to sell out the security of American families to advance her political or financial interests. Her immigration plan is not only dangerous for all American families, but previews an Administration that will once again defy the will of the voters and Congress to implement a divisive, reckless, and partisan agenda.”

“Every American family should be alarmed that her plan leaves their children vulnerable to drug cartels that control the Mexican border. Last year, 150,000 people were killed by these ruthless criminal organizations, “NBPC stated.

NBPC expressed more concerned and pointed out that we would face an unprecedented crisis if she was elected and allowed to implement her plan. Cartels and Islamic extremists would quickly manipulate this chaos and further their plans to harm innocent American citizens. Clinton has pledged to close detention centers, release immigrant family members and offer American citizenship, Obamacare, education, and amnesty to all. She mysteriously chooses to ignore the lessons from recent terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Paris, Belgium, Nice, Orlando and London, as she pushes to drastically expand refugee admissions to citizens from countries not friendly to the U.S.

“We believe that once the American public reads Clinton’s immigration plan, they will agree it is weak, dangerous, panders to extremists, and will result in their families and communities becoming vastly less safe and more at-risk. Simply put, this plan is a catastrophe and will threaten countless Americans, “said NBPC. “As the Obama “Era of No Consequences” demonstrated, weak or non-existent enforcement equals greater opportunity for terrible things to happen.”

“Chaos is the enemy of peace. The public must get the facts and reject this plan, and its architect, Secretary Clinton. The National Border Patrol Council, and its 16,500 Border Patrol Agent members stand in opposition to this reckless, radical and deeply dangerous plan.”

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