George Soros’ minions struck out again, this time in Durham, North Carolina, where a truck driver refused to be intimidated by a group of mental midgets. They decided to break...
The Nazi fascists were out at Huntington Beach where a crowd of Trump supporters were celebrating out troops until the Nazis broke out their tasers and pepper spray. At the...
A protest took place outside Ferguson Market & Liquor on Sunday after footage was released of Michael Brown at the store exchanging a small bag for the box of cigarillos...
A BLM activist was arrested in Charleston, SC after he jumped over the yellow tape dividing the two sides in the protests and attempting to make off with a Confederate...
A 71 year old staffer for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was knocked unconscious by a group of Nazi fascists who ultimately blamed the elderly woman for her own injuries on Valentine’s...
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has announced that he wants to deputize sheriffs in Wisconsin to work with federal officials to help identify and deport criminal illegal aliens. Needless to...
Anti-Trump protesters blocked Interstate 95 at exit 47 in New Haven on Sunday and State Police say that EMT workers were forced to perform and emergency procedure on a...
The inane protests by the wet diapered liberal class have gotten out of hand and states are now working on passing laws that will put a real bite into protesting....
Protesters in Texas get smoked…literally. This is what happens to anti-Trump protesters in Texas. — Jaden (@JadenBell_) November 16, 2016
Judge John Primomo gave a group of newly minted Americans a lecture on the office of president and the respect it deserves whether that president was your choice or not....
Thug protesters have stormed and taken over the building in Washington DC that houses the Trump transition team. protesters stormed the building demanding that Steve Bannon be removed from the...
BLM protesters are up in arms about a white man who flashed his gun as black protesters began shouting, “No justice, No peace.” The say that it’s illegal to carry...
When Hillary made her first appearance after her seizure on 9/11, Hillary was met with chants of “F*&k Hillary”. They led the protesters out and eventually enough people showed up...
On Saturday, a police officer involved shooting turned violent when over one hundred angry protesters showed up Saturday evening and rioted in Milwaukee Wisconsin’s north side. The police officer killed...
With all the roads being blocked across the country today and the aggravation it causes to the blockaded cars, one man found a solution to the problem but I don’t...
For Weeks, the media and liberal politicians have been gloating about the huge demonstrations and possible riots that were going to take place at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland....
A white BLM group that calls itself Coalition to Wake Your Ass Up blocked a bridge on Interstate 35W early on Wednesday morning. The police reacted quickly and blocked the exit...
A police officer suffered a broken vertebrae when a concrete block was dropped on his head and another 20 officers were injured when protesters in St Paul became violent and...
A flyer was circulated before the Trump rally in Richmond, Virginia, urging protesters to use violence. It didn’t materialize, but in other cities, the call to violence would have been...
Although the lamestream press has made much all year of a brokered republican convention, it turns out that everything they predicted is coming true, except it’s the democrats in trouble...