[VIDEO] Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi Back Behind Bars And Getting Support From This POTUS Candidate

Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is also back behind bars after just being released from a Mexican prison. Thanks to O’Bummer, he most likely is suffering from PTSD and was arrested for reckless driving in Georgia. You’ll love how Trump has stepped up to help this guy out. It would seem that his support for our military isn’t just political rhetoric.


Do you remember Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi? He was the unlucky Marine who spent more than 214 days in a Mexican prison, while President Barack Obama refused to fight for his release.

He was arrested for accidentally crossing the Mexican border with legal guns, and Tahmooressi only earned his release thanks to intense grassroots pressure and media attention.


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Tahmooressi, thanks to Obama’s inaction, suffered from severe PTSD. That’s when Trump stepped up and decided to help pay the brave Marine’s medical bills and to help him get his life back together. Clearly, Trump already is more of a leader than Obama could ever be!

But you may not have known- The same day Tahmooressi was released in November of 2014, conservative businessman Donald J. Trump wrote him a check for $25,000!

As Trump opined, “I really want this money to go to him, not his lawyers.”


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