On Friday an Ada, Oklahoma, man shot and killed a knife-wielding suspect who was trying to drown two babies in a bathtub in a nearby home. The incident occurred around...
If you are a gun owner, then you know that traveling with your weapon outside your home state can get complicated. In fact you could face jail time, a fine...
Today in Florida, another mass shooting in an airport took the lives of 5 people and injured 8. A passenger with a gun in his checked luggage opened fire in...
A Christian school, Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Virginia is considered one of the most gun-friendly universities in the country. The university is planning on some really big changes in the...
Who’s in charge of America? We don’t want to believe it could be President Obama but then, who is pulling his strings? We have puppets as our presidents but it...
This is the state of “journalism” today. Members of the media who desperately want Hillary Clinton to be elected president are stooping to unprecedented lows, abandoning all pretenses of impartiality,...
Finally! Someone is standing up against the restrictive, oppressive, unConstitutional limitations coming from leftists regarding gun control. You’ll like this … Yesterday a federal judge ordered the District of Columbia to stop...
Is The “Baggy Pants Law” Actually Gun Control In Disguise? I do agree with the law several states have passed that made wearing baggy pants a crime. What I don’t...
The Families Of Victims Murdered By Guns Sold By Wal-Mart and Others Are Being Sued The Overland Park shooting victims families are suing gun retailers because they sold guns to...
It’s time for a boycott, folks! Starbucks CEO has made some pretty inflammatory statements against its patrons who support gun rights and now he’s taken a stand against … traditional...
Yeah, it’s no secret that Hillary is a fascist, dictator wanna-be who wants to take your freedom and be Queen-of-the-World. But her rhetoric about gun control is even worse than...
If you live in West Virginia and you want to carry your gun with you, thank the republicans. The democratic governor, Earl Ray Tomblin, had vetoed the bill originally but...
And the more important question…”How does this affect you?” So what really constitutes a “Hate Crime?” And how do you dodge the bullet, so to speak, of racking up the...
On New Year’s Eve, a pastor talked down a gunman who stormed into his church. Days later, watch the same pastor hug the young man as he helps him turn his...
Here’s a list of California gun laws that the terrorists broke during the shooting Wednesday: The long guns used were banned and illegal to purchase. The magazines used in the...
While some question “The Donald’s” sincerity and integrity to the conservative values he spews, there’s no doubt they are resinating with Americans, all over the spectrum. And in the wake...
One of the primary purposes of the second amendment is the ability to form militias to enforce public order. The formation of informal militias during times of disorder, such as...
Many of our followers have no doubt heard the name Chief Mark Kessler, an outspoken advocate of the Second Amendment who posted videos to Youtube where he spewed profane rants...
From Thomas Madison, Powdered Wig Society The Rolling Stone Peacekeeper revolver Remember this name – Kristen Gwynne. Ms. Gwynne is a writer (maybe not) for Rolling Stone magazine. Her recent article,...
The FBI ran more than three background checks per second ‒ more than 175,000 total ‒ on Black Friday, thanks to the largest ever number of guns purchased on the...